Supplement manufacturer NOW has finally entered the CBD sphere with a new line of topical products. Continued regulatory ...
Can caffeine make you faster? A new meta-analysis suggests, at least within the realm of a cycling time trial, the answer is ...
As part of Natural Products Insider’s “Elephant in the room” series on dietary supplement quality, Senior Editor Hank Schultz ...
Learn about hormonal changes and nutraceutical ingredients for this rising women’s health target, focusing on the botanicals ...
The weight loss struggle is real, but as the culture increasingly turns to injections of GLP-1 agonist drugs like semaglutide ...
A large dose of omega-3s cut delayed onset muscle soreness after high-intensity training in a cohort of mostly sedentary, ...
Bright Pharma’s organic pullulan dietary supplement capsules are uniquely positioned to meet growing market demands without ...
The present state of affairs leaves this industry journalist — and others who actually work hands-on in the dietary ...
A controversial amendment to the U.S. House version of the pending federal Farm Bill has been passed in a bloc vote. The way ...
When FDA published a draft guidance on enforcement discretion two years ago, some people thought (or were hopeful) that it ...
A new choline-enriched folate poised to break new ground in the US dietary supplement market.
A study using a commercially available, nine-strain synbiotic formula showed significant IBS symptom relief in a 4-week, ...