Pills come in orange containers for a clever reason. / Tetra Images/Getty Images (bottles), Jon Mayer/Mental Floss (thought ...
Here’s a breakdown of these breeds, why they were selected, and what you should keep in mind the next time you em-‘bark’ on a ...
The portable forensics kits that modern investigators use were inspired by bare hands at the scene of a horrific murder.
Medical care has come a long way over the centuries. What once struck us down in the prime of our lives—infections, wounds, ...
There’s an Irish saying used to describe someone who has it easy: tá saol an mhadaidh bháin agat, or “the life of the white ...
No judgment here: We all forget things from time to time. Even movie stars—they’re just like us!—occasionally blank (or pretend they do) on having appeared in a movie, with the cameo-friendly MCU ...
A small sampling of our 50+ regional dish selections. / CSA Images/Getty Images (map); Jackie Alpers/Getty Images (hot dog); Kativ/Getty Images (pie); Shutterstock/Ezume Images (pork roll); Wikimedia ...
You’ve seen a Dutch oven, but what about a Dutch cooler? The next time you’re having friends and family over for a cookout, ...
Welcome to Kennections, a weekly quiz created by Jeopardy! host and champion Ken Jennings. Here’s how to play: All five answers to the questions below have something in common. Can you figure it out?
In the summer of 1947, the Vaughan family of Cleveland, Ohio, road-tripped all the way to California, capturing the adventure ...
For one of the film’s most devastating scenes, actor Felipe Paulino was told to imagine that he had a really bad toothache.
Rare details about the lives of enslaved and emancipated Americans reveal the cruel treatment they suffered as well as their ...