How much money does the state need? More, say some in the current election campaign, less, argue others who are pushing for a ...
A brazen fraudster scammed numerous apartment seekers in Graz for a total of more than 30,000 euros. The unknown perpetrator ...
What the Georgian media were already whistling from the rooftops on Friday afternoon, Sturm made official before the premiere ...
In the face of the headwind, Schilling thanked everyone who had stood behind and beside her. "I would like to say how proud I ...
They play leading roles in a current horror film and on the channel AstroTV, which will be discontinued at the end of 2024: ...
Things get serious for the mountain bikers on Saturday and Sunday with the downhill competition. Austrians Vali Höll and Andi ...
Local residents in Keutschach wondered why the construction site along the Keutschacher Landesstraße suddenly stopped - ...
Following the "Krone" revelations about a prostration to Islam in schools, politicians are also waking up. The Ministry of ...
The clouds in the Carinthian sky looked threatening on Friday afternoon. It rained in central Carinthia and there was light ...
Austria's handball team captain Nikola Bilyk, legionnaire at THW Kiel, returns to the triumphant site of the European ...
McDonald's is already increasingly relying on artificial intelligence when taking orders. Thousands of restaurants worldwide ...
After a scandal at a project week at an elite high school in Linz, the victim wants compensation from her tormentors. The ...