Greek manufacturer J. & A. Douros introduced a new flux synthetic ruby in early 1993. Grown by spontaneous nucleation in a lead-based solvent, the Douros synthetic ruby occurs as rhombohedral single ...
Diamonds have a long history as beautiful objects of desire. In the first century AD, the Roman naturalist Pliny stated: “Diamond is the most valuable, not only of precious stones, but of all things ...
Since 1996, large quantities of yellow to blue sapphires have been recovered from alluvial deposits derived from basaltic rocks in northern Madagascar. The crystal morphology, internal growth patterns ...
The beautiful shimmer of light that's characteristic of moonstone is apparent even in its rough form. This special property is maximized by a quality cut. - David Humphrey Moonstone’s delicate beauty ...
Students explore more than 60 species of common and collector gemstones found in the marketplace. Subjects covered include the GIA Colored Stone Grading System, gemstone formation, composition, ...
Those born in January are lucky to have the beautiful and diverse garnet as their birthstone. Garnets are commonly red but also come in an extraordinary range of beautiful colors, including orange, ...
Akoya pearls are the small white pearls that most people picture when they think of pearls. They are saltwater pearls, and are usually round and white or cream, with a pink overtone and high luster.
Pietersite has been described as a brecciated variety of tiger’s-eye. This study examined pietersite specimens from Namibia and China (the main sources) using powder X-ray diffraction, optical ...
Attractive yellow to light greenish yellow gem scapolites have been mined from a skarn deposit near the town of Ihosy, in southern Madagascar, since the late 1990s. Chemical analysis indicates that ...
6月生まれの方は、自分の誕生石と言える宝石が幸運にも3つあります。6月は、3つの誕生石がある3つの月(もう2つは8月と12月)の一つであり、さまざまな美しい誕生石の中からお好きなもの ...