Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member John Boozman, R- Ark., released his framework for a Senate farm bill on Tuesday.
Location, location, location. Cotton conditions vary throughout the state. While some areas need rain, others are waiting for ...
The innovative system enhances the overall experience of the world’s largest totally irrigated working farm show from Farm ...
Recovery from the Smokehouse Creek Fire continues. Western Oklahoma Extension agents provide an update on how the long ...
Cover crops are planted to protect and improve the soil between annual crops such as tomatoes or between rows of tree and ...
It was a wet and warm spring for Martha and Andrew Winters, who farm 2 miles west of Fremont in Ohio’s Sandusky County. It ...
Henry DuBois set the foundation for the farm’s current iteration when he was only 14. He and his brother, Steve, Byron’s ...
While Swenson is new to canola, Steve Rodke of Hawley, Minn., has been planting the crop for the last decade. Rodke says his ...
Farmer and family named the North Carolina Outstanding Conservation Farm Family of the Year for 2024 for their exemplary ...
“Purple corn symptoms are caused by accumulation of anthocyanin, a purple pigment, in corn leaves,” Quinn says. “Corn leaves ...
All the first-generation farmers I know have some type of plan to access capital, whether it be a family member, friend, ...
So, do yourself, your family and your blood pressure a favor and schedule a getaway or two this summer. Find someone to ...