Voting has begun in the Netherlands at the start of four-day elections across the European Union for a new European ...
At least 100 people have been killed following a Sudanese paramilitary attack on a village in Gezira State, according to ...
Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan hit pay dirt with his third film, The Sixth Sense (1999). Although the film was well done, ...
Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan hit pay dirt with his third film, The Sixth Sense (1999). Although the film was well done, ...
World No.1 Novak Djokovic has undergone surgery on his knee, after he was forced to pull out of the French Open with an ...
A Queensland political candidate has revealed his party's proposed laws to allow lethal force against home intruders could ...
The federal government will pump $6 million into Australian netball in funding for the 2027 World Cup.
Police are set for beefed-up powers to try and tackle knife crime after controversial "wanding" laws passed NSW parliament.
A month after his latest concussion, Sydney defender Tom McCartin will make his AFL return against Geelong.
Peter Costello, chair of Australia's largest media group Nine, has been captured on video allegedly "shoving" a journalist at ...
A federal corruption watchdog has opted not to investigate senior public servants responsible for the unlawful robodebt ...
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has congratulated his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi on being re-elected after the world's ...