While fitness tech has been on the rise for well over a decade now, COVID certainly accelerated that push. With the ...
Google's Gemini AI assistant now integrates with YouTube Music, enabling users to play and manage music via voice commands.
Microsoft Bing Search, Copilot, and associated services, including DuckDuckGo, experienced a significant outage.
Oyo has withdrawn its IPO plans for the second time, focusing instead on raising $350-$450 million in new financing.
In today’s highly competitive business landscape, it’s crucial to stay ahead of your competition and always keep your brand ...
Paytm reported a 20% revenue drop compared to previous quarter for Q4'24 as shut down of its payments bank impacted business.
Global technology news, latest gadget news and breaking tech news.
Global technology news, latest gadget news and breaking tech news.
Global technology news, latest gadget news and breaking tech news.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX has been making rapid strides on its Starlink service,… ...
SpaceX's Starlink successfully demonstrated a video call using satellite-based Direct-to-Cell technology on Tuesday.
Earlier today, OpenAI put a temporary halt to the use of one of its ChatGPT voices, known as Sky, which had an unusually high ...