In February this year, game shows got that little bit harder. And at the same time, artificial intelligence took another step ...
No articles from Edith Cowan University have been published yet.
The newly signed global Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge might improve the patent ...
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Advancing Journalism, The University of Melbourne Peter Costello has long had an uneasy ...
Pemerintah tak boleh mengabaikan pembangunan persepsi positif energi terbarukan yang pas dengan semua tipe media.
Pierre Bréchon does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond ...
Poucos anos após sua primeira aparição em 1934, o Pato Donald já havia alcançado um status de celebridade comparável ao de ...
Adrian Beaumont does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would ...
Country by Bruce Pascoe and Bill Gammage is a dialogue between experts on First Nations ways of farming and agriculture. It is also a call to Australia to look after Country better.
Julien Robin, spécialiste de la vie parlementaire française, revient sur les enjeux de la dissolution surprise pour la vie politique française.
Como señalan diferentes estudios, la espiritualidad y las creencias religiosas influyen en los procesos de salud y enfermedad ...
Los compradores extranjeros no residentes, que desde la pandemia han sido los pilares del mercado inmobiliario español, ...