The bill would prohibit the further sale of .50 caliber rifles and regulate existing .50 caliber rifles, applying the same ...
South Korea threatens to arrest its citizens if they smoke pot in countries where it is legal, Ireland wields harm reduction services as summer festival season arrives, and more. The DEA releases its ...
An Arkansas cop gets caught slinging dope in uniform and a West Virginia federal prison guard breaks bad. Let's get to it: In Jonesboro, Arkansas, a Hoxie police officer was arrested May 10 for ...
The DEA releases its annual drug threat assessment, a new poll finds Texans are ready to legalize weed even if their political leaders are not, and more. More than 17 million Americans are toking up ...
The DEA releases its annual drug threat assessment, a new poll finds Texans are ready to legalize weed even if their political leaders are not, and more. More than 17 million Americans are toking up ...
A House panel advances a bill aimed at therapeutic psychedelics for military veterans, a South Carolina committee chair pronounces a medical marijuana bill dead, and more. Senate Majority Leader Chuck ...
California US Rep. Sam Farr (D) has again introduced a bill that would allow medical marijuana defendants to mount a defense in federal court. The Truth in Trials Act already has 18 cosponsors. The ...
Federal prosecutors have targeted Harborside Health Center, California's iconic largest dispensary, with an asset forfeiture action. But Harborside isn't just going to roll over and play dead. Last ...
A House panel advances a bill aimed at therapeutic psychedelics for military veterans, a South Carolina committee chair pronounces a medical marijuana bill dead, and more. Senate Majority Leader Chuck ...
Chicago to Stop Jailing Marijuana Users? The Cook County Board president wants police to quit wasting time jailing small-time marijuana offenders, and the police may just take a half-step in that ...
The leader of Canada's Liberal Party, Justin Trudeau, has reenergized the drug policy debate north of the border by calling for marijuana legalization. A suburban Phoenix photographer was shot and ...