Effective parenting strategies such as restricting bedroom and mealtime screen use, along with positive modeling, can curb ...
A recent study from the Complexity Science Hub explores strategies for implementing climate policies with minimal impact on ...
Research presented at the 26th European Congress of Endocrinology in Stockholm suggests that elevated cortisol levels in the ...
The crew of Expedition 71 is busy preparing for imminent spacewalks, setting records in space duration, and offloading cargo, ...
A Rocket Lab Electron rocket launched from New Zealand, carrying the second NASA PREFIRE satellite. This mission is aimed at ...
Physicists at Columbia University have taken molecules to a new ultracold limit and created a state of matter where quantum ...
Most collapsed stars fully rotate in seconds. This one takes almost an hour. Australian scientists from the University of ...
Antioxidants sourced from natural origins enhance the growth of a yeast strain in the presence of ethanol. While ethanol in ...
Researchers have developed a groundbreaking thin infrared filter for night vision that can be integrated into everyday ...
UIC engineers have introduced a groundbreaking method for producing hydrogen gas using solar power and agricultural waste, ...
Latest climate report indicates a concerning increase in human-induced warming and a rapidly diminishing carbon budget, ...
Recent research shows that genes linked to lost traits in stick insects may be preserved, enabling their potential ...