Pickup camping solutions continue getting lighter and lighter. While the lightest full-bodied pickup camper we've covered ...
Multirotor drones may get all the glory, but fully rotating "monocopters" are actually much more energy-efficient. A new one ...
Californian ebike maker Hi-Power Cycles has not only launched a new 80-mph beast, but has also established a brand new ...
If your tap water is less-than-drinkable, you can use filtration systems, special pitchers, or bottled water to clean it up.
Water can hold a huge amount of thermal energy, and a new system to tap into this resource is being trialed in Scotland. A ...
This impressive recently completed project proves that 3D-printed homes can be suitable for extreme weather and even seismic ...
Diabetics sick of daily injections may have renewed hope for a less invasive alternative. Scientists at the University of ...
Researchers have finally investigated a widely held belief that men who are more dissatisfied with the size of their penis ...
A popular supplement most often used to help you get shut-eye may actually help you preserve your eyes, with new research ...
SpaceX's Starship scored a double win on its fourth test mission today as both the Super Heavy first stage and the Starship ...
The universe is awash with strange radio signals, but astronomers have now detected a really bizarre one that repeats every ...
You could be forgiven for remaining skeptical about whether it will ever be built, but the audacious bid to build the USA's ...