Despite the name, the Farm Bill doesn’t only affect farmers. If you eat food, the Farm Bill impacts you. It has huge ...
Jessica Eikleberry was 29 years old and had just read Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma. She wanted to start eating locally ...
Mark Shepard didn’t set out to be a farmer, let alone a visionary one. Yet, three decades after securing his first piece of ...
We are crouched on our hands and knees, ripping out lettuce at Andrew’s Farm in Gardiner, Maine, where I work. “Some of them ...
Twenty-eight million people have watched Joshua Westerfeld shovel wheat. The most popular video on his TikTok account, pinned to the top of his page, ...
Subscribers to a Reddit thread organized a national boycott of grocery mega-chain Loblaws that grew into a community movement ...
Cities may not compost your dog poop yet, but you can start now. Around 6.5 tons of [mostly] plastic-wrapped dog poop winds up in landfills in the United States every year. As most cities see it, that ...