Crystal Hiwalker wonders if her heart and lungs would have kept working if the ambulance crew had been able to give her a ...
If your doctor can’t see you now, maybe the nurse practitioner can. Nurse practitioners have long been a reliable backstop for the primary-care-physician shortfall, which is estimated at nearly 21,000 ...
Stat says the study, which began in 2019 and was aimed at using evidence-based interventions, didn't actually curb opioid overdose deaths. Separately, the Boston Globe reports on growing overdoses in ...
Person Or Property? Texas High Court Won’t Weigh In On State Of Embryos A Dallas IVF patient still may appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to have her embryos declared as people. Also in the news: ...
Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, antidepressants, and stimulants for ADHD are just some of the medications that could cause dehydration, raise your risk of fainting, or other problems.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, writes in his new book that early in the pandemic, he worried that "we were in trouble if citizens were ...
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is targeting "patent thickets," a tactic used by companies to delay arrival of competing generic medicines, which typically cost less. Meanwhile, the CEO of Novo ...
Dr. Vivek Murthy points to the effects of social media on children and teens, arguing that a warning label would convey “that social media has not been proved safe." Also in the news: Stanford's ...
Editorial writers discuss superbugs, medical billing, AI health applications, and more. Harvard Public Health: A New Model Of Drug Discovery Could Change The Game On Superbugs A growing scourge of ...
Advances in medicine mean more people are living longer with HIV. But aging with HIV comes with an increased risk of health ...
A medical residency program designed to train future primary care physicians in outpatient rather than hospital settings has ...
A Biden campaign ad highlighting how an Obamacare repeal would affect people with preexisting conditions is mostly true.