Ireland has caught up with most of the rest of Europe and the Global North, with the emergence of a reactionary social movement in opposition to asylum seekers and the growth of a racist, climate ...
Dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi is at risk of execution after a Revolutionary Court in Esfahan sentenced him to death in April 2024 solely in relation to his participation in the “Woman Life Freedom” ...
In this way, the extreme right has managed to become the first force in Italy, France, Hungary, Belgium, Austria and Poland, and the second force in Germany and the Netherlands, while the European ...
The chaos caused by this predatory system requires a revolutionary break with capitalism and a new, emancipatory hope for the oppressed and exploited. Today, there is an urgent need for unity against ...
Toomaj Salehi is a 33-year-old rapper and metalworker in Iran. On April 24th 2024 he was sentenced to death for supporting the mass protests in Iran after Tehran’s ‘morality police’ killed Jina (Mahsa ...
A year after being elected, with one of the lowest scores in the country’s history, Bola Tinubu embarked on a particularly violent austerity policy against the population. These measures were ...
These European elections have been marked by the rise of militarism and the EU’s support for genocide in Palestine. Undoubtedly, there have been strong mobilizations in support of the resistance of ...
The media’s ‘return to grace’ of the social-liberal left of co-management and hollandism is not a good sign. This neo-liberal left, with its labour laws, nationality disqualification and compromise ...
A democratic, proportional representation system in European elections can magnify differences between national first-past-the-post or two-round systems and European votes. While European votes are ...
The names were written on a red banner to symbolize Biden’s red lines that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued to ignore and to cross. Protestors’ picket signs said, “Biden’s red line ...