The state says 4.423 million people received care through the program last month, down from 4.459 million in April. It ...
An California mother has spent 10 months seeking help for her son’s speech and behavior issues from his school district and ...
The high court threw out a challenge to the FDA's rules on the abortion drug. A recently enacted Florida law permits use of ...
The legislative session was highlighted by "Live Healthy" and other health projects. When the $116.5 billion budget was ...
As more local young adults are being diagnosed with early onset cancers, such as colorectal, scientists are searching for ...
Noting that the appeals court recently tossed a similar ruling in Alabama, the governor says it's the state’s duty to protect ...
Federal judge Robert Hinkle, of the Northern District of Florida, said SB 254 was only passed out of a sense of ...
Psychedelics researchers and investors are still reeling from last week’s no vote for MDMA by a panel of advisers to the FDA.
Akira Endo, the Japanese scientist whose research led to statin drugs, has died. Tens of millions of people in the U.S. take statins to reduce their cholesterol.
The court said that the challengers, a group called the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, had no right to be in court at all since neither the organization nor its members could show they had ...
How old is malaria? Researchers used to think it was two or three thousand years old at most — a modern disease that appeared ...
Demonstrators hold an abortion-rights rally outside the Supreme Court on March 26 as the justices of the court heard oral arguments in Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine ...