The government is refusing to restore eroded beaches in coastal Florida counties unless homeowners agree to one condition: ...
Giving hurricanes human names makes them memorable, but the practice has resulted in some strange side effects.
Goldman Prize Winner Murrawah Maroochy Johnson talks climate justice and inheriting a legacy of Indigenous resistance.
One driving force behind these projections are the alternating Pacific Ocean climate patterns known as El Niño and La Niña, ...
The story of “John Doe 1” of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is tucked in a lawsuit filed five years ago against several ...
Governor Brian Kemp called for more nuclear power as he celebrated two new reactors in Georgia, despite rising power bills ...
Even $100 billion, however, is far lower than the developing world’s estimated need. United Nations-backed research projects ...
Kirsti had already undergone the grueling egg stimulation and retrieval process, which produced 23 eggs. Four had turned into ...
A new series from Grist, Vox, and The 19th explores how climate change transforms our reproductive lives, from menstruation ...
Mosquitoes are moving into the mountains of Papua New Guinea and other highland areas. That could be a death sentence for ...
Women in Bangladesh are confronting the dangerous health effects of consuming salty water. They won't be the last.
“I’ve admired Grist’s fearless reporting for many years, so it’s an absolute pleasure and honor to join them,” said Simon.