We're delighted to have had the chance to sit down with Catalina Lopez-Correa this week, in advance of the Festival of ...
Struggling to keep up with the latest news in the genomics world? We’ve got you covered! In Week in Brief, we’ve collated the ...
AlphaFold 2 achieved remarkable success in predicting the 3D structures of proteins from their amino acid sequences. It ...
We chat to pioneering scientist Leroy Hood about his career and his upcoming talk at the Festival of Genomics and Biodata.
We know there’s never a quiet week in the genomics world, that’s why in Week in Brief we’ve sourced the latest news for you! Check out the updates from the last seven days below. The blood-brain ...
Single-cell and spatial omics can be confusing! The technology is developing at an exhilarating rate, new companies are producing solutions that appear to be doing very similar things and media and ...
Liquid biopsy offers a non-invasive, easily administered, alternative to molecular profiling from tissue. This means we can monitor cancer development and progression in real-time. However, before ...
Single-cell sequencing has already become a staple methodology for medical research. Much of this advancement has happened within, and is directly relevant to, cancer biology. In our recent webinar ...