It is expected to reduce India's carbon emissions by 58 million tons per year, equivalent to taking 12.6 million cars off the ...
Climate is a complex example of a nonlinear dynamical system and is notoriously difficult to model. Multiple variables ...
This special interest group is for professionals to connect and discuss all types of carbon-free power alternatives, ...
I provide consulting services primarily assisting renewable energy-related companies in areas such as strategic planning, ...
Also, the JSC Atomstroyexport (the engineering division of the State Corporation Rosatom) and the State Unitary Enterprise ...
The EPA estimates its recently updated wastewater rule, which exempts power plants that retire before 2034, will cause about ...
Over the past few years, the balance of sources of electricity generation in the United States—especially in the summer—has ...
Current sensors are essential in wind turbine converters. They form a closed-loop control system ensuring rapid inverter ...
Exclusive: Documents reveal offer was made three years before Origin and government reached deal to keep Australia’s biggest ...
"Our green transition goal is one of the most ambitious in Southeast Asia, and we have a comprehensive roadmap in place to ...
Floating Offshore Wind/New Research Program to Develop Knowledge for Floating Offshore Wind [Gulf Oil & Gas (Egypt)] ...
Agder and local offshore wind companies have developed three short and practical modules on offshore wind. Deep Wind Offshore ...