Belonging to the Callistemon genus, bottlebrush plants have crimson-red flowers that are famed for a frothy appearance, the ...
Plus, how to rid trees of a fungus naturally and chemically. Send your questions, with photos, to for ...
Gardening expert Monty Don says three plants should be pruned during June to ensure they are in the best condition possible ...
Just like people all have different parenting styles, bird species vary in how they get ready for and care for their ...
You might distinguish between the behaviors by using the term shrubs as the early spring appearance and the word trees for ...
The Family Handyman on MSN21h
How to Prune Azaleas the Right Way
There’s no doubt about it azaleas are a much-loved flowering element in residential landscaping.The easy-to-grow, colorful ...
As the seasons change and the growing season kicks into full gear, Spearfish residents are reminded to maintain their properties, especially yards, trees/shrubs, and sidewalk areas, pursuant to ...
If you've admired the stunning display of purple flowers in the landscape in recent weeks, you've witnessed one of ...
Will pine straw prevent weeds? The question seemed straightforward, and my immediate answer was yes, of course. The woman ...
Pennsylvania is home to a diverse range of native plants that have adapted to the state’s unique climate and soil conditions. These plants have been growing and thriving in the region for thousands of ...