LA PAZ: Scientists in Bolivia are hoping to track glacial changes at lightning speed. New scientific equipment being installed at the country’s Huayna Potosi mountain peak will provide real-time ...
Once the chalky fungal plug is ripped apart, the infected and disemboweled cicada flies around, raining down fluffy, brown ...
Its cause of death is unknown but the species is especially vulnerable to collisions due to their lengthy annual migration.
Scientists have traced the ancestry of the modern horse to a lineage that emerged 4,200 years ago and quickly became dominant ...
Beacon Global Strategies (BGS), a leading strategic advisory firm focusing on global public policy, government procurement, ...
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere hit an all time high in May. That trend must reverse in order to rein in ...
The cattle industry has welcomed dairy animals being inseminated by beef cattle , but liver abscess questions remain, David ...
New gene therapy restores hearing in deaf children with a genetic mutation, as reported in Nature Medicine and further ...
According to a statement released by the University of Basel, an international team of scientists has analyzed proteins ...
A special uranium fuel planned for next-generation U.S. nuclear reactors poses security risks because it could be used without further enrichment as fissile material in nuclear weapons, scientists ...
“Deniers and skeptics say climate scientists are alarmist. We are not alarmist enough,” says Astrid Caldas, senior scientist for community resilience at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “If we could ...