Jacky Rosen of Nevada, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota ... criticizing a plan by a conservative think tank that, if adopted, would ...
“People might come looking for it and be coming with inappropriate vehicles or driving where they shouldn't, trampling plants ...
The Biden campaign has criticized former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, but undecided swing-state voters trust him ...
A key group of voters will send either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump to victory, and a new poll ...
The Supreme Court is expected to make its decision in the coming days on a federal law requiring hospitals to provide ...
Colorado is among several states where voters will decide on abortion rights and access through ballot measures.
“At this phase in the petitions, our office is required to verify signatures,” said George Guthrie, registrar of voters ...
About half of Americans, 48%, said they agree with a Manhattan jury’s decision last month to convict Trump, according to an ...
For decades, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been a reliably Republican voting bloc. This ...
Hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens for a decade or more could be shielded by President ...
They win them on abortion. They win them on gun control ... certainly in Arizona. SK: How does Nevada look? It was very close ...
Given that women make up the majority of voters in America this has been an especially acute problem for Republicans. It is ...