Iranian and Israeli officials shared with Newsweek new warnings for one another as threats of a major escalation continued to ...
Israeli forces pounded Rafah in southern Gaza on Friday, as well as other areas across the enclave, killing at least 45 ...
Senior US officials reassured a delegation of top Israeli officials visiting Washington this week that if a full-out war were ...
Regular puffs of smoke from missile intercepts over northern Israel and fires from air strikes in southern Lebanon are ...
The most senior State Department official dedicated to working on matters relating to the war in Gaza is set to leave in the ...
The escalating war between Hezbollah and Israel — coupled with scorching heat — has sparked fires that are destroying forests ...
The Israel Antiquities Authority says a company drilling for natural gas off the coast of northern Israel has discovered a ...
Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said 'there will be no place safe from our missiles and our drones' in Israel in the ...
Israel has established a corridor for the delivery of aid into southern Gaza but a declared ‘tactical pause’ in its war with ...
US officials have serious concerns that in the event of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah, the Iran-backed ...
Israel dismissed as 'inherently flawed' a UN report saying the military may have commited multiple war crimes in Gaza.
Anger across the streets of Israel has reached a new crescendo, with many joining protests. Beneath it all lies one question: ...