G7 leaders discussed on Friday (14 June) how to protect their domestic industries from Chinese overcapacity without causing a ...
Tech Talk from Hymson Laser Experts, Pioneering New Era of Lithium Battery Manufacturing Hymson boasts a team of laser ...
Germany is attempting to block the European Union’s new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles amid concerns that retaliation ...
Europe's auto industry had warned against imposing the tariffs, with German carmakers the most exposed to any counter moves ...
Possible countermeasures include bringing the case to the WTO or seeking deals to bypass the EU tariffs, experts say.
ADS-TEC Energy, the world's leading provider of battery-buffered, ultra-fast charging technology, will be presenting two new optional product features for the ChargePost at the international trade ...
Germany expects movement from the Chinese side in relation to negotiations over EU tariffs on imported Chinese electric ...
Although China has made huge investments in industrial robotics over the past two years, it is still not the most automated nation on the planet. In fact, four other countries have a much higher ...
Germany wants to prevent the European Union’s new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles from coming into force or at least ...
Central bank decisions in Britain, Switzerland and Norway are expected to provide more evidence that the global rate cutting ...
Leaders of the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations are turning their attention to migration on the second day of ...
German officials see wiggle room and believe they have allies within the bloc, stressing that not only China but also the EU ...