Several passengers on a United Airlines flight from Vancouver, Canada, to Houston, Texas, fell sick on Friday, with officials ...
United Airlines can take delivery of new airplanes as U.S. aviation regulators review the carrier, the head of the Federal ...
Chicago-based United Airlines has been given the seal of approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to accept ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -United Airlines can take delivery of new airplanes ... have been one-on-one replacements for missing aircraft," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker told reporters at a briefing.
United did not immediately comment. Some United certification activities were halted after the FAA said in March it was increasing its oversight of United following recent safety incidents.
WASHINGTON, May 30 (Reuters) - United Airlines can take delivery of new airplanes ... been one-on-one replacements for missing aircraft," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker told reporters at a ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -United Airlines can take delivery of new airplanes ... have been one-on-one replacements for missing aircraft," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker told reporters at a briefing.
According to Houston firefighters, at least 25 people on the flight reported feeling sick due to a cruise they were on.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - United Airlines can take delivery of new airplanes as U.S ... Most of those aircraft have been one-on-one replacements for missing aircraft," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - United Airlines can take delivery of new airplanes ... have been one-on-one replacements for missing aircraft," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker told reporters at a briefing.
After the passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act, airlines are no longer able to conceal their responsibility to provide ...