After spending 13 or 17 years underground and weeks above ground, some of the earliest periodical cicadas are completing ...
A fungus that’s spread through sexual contact and turns cicadas into “zombies” has been detected in the Midwest. According to ...
The sexually transmitted disease Massospora cicadina, which causes cicadas to become 'zombies' and their private parts to ...
Cicadas spark art trends and cultivate a communal identity. Entrepreneurs and artists celebrate their unique presence.
While some areas are awash with the incessant, buzzing sound of the male cicada seeking a mate, other areas are silent.
Periodical cicadas used to reliably emerge every 13 or 17 years — but spring arriving sooner interferes with the bugs' ...
HANOVER COUNTY, Va. -- There is a familiar drone in the air in some parts of Virginia as cicadas emerge from the ground, but ...
Maybe we just want to have a butter-fried, chocolate-covered cicada because it’s delicious. Rachel Feltman: If your lawn is currently flooded with cicadas, you might be looking for a way to get rid of ...
Miller-Meeks will now face former state Rep. Christina Bohannan, who is unopposed in the Democratic primary. State ...
No matter how you feel about cicadas, whether you don't mind having them around or find these insects annoying, they aren't ...
Summer fishing and school's-out fishing, in all their manifestations and wide variety (hybrid striped bass, coho, yellow ...
There's a deadly sexually transmitted disease, a fungus, that turns cicadas into zombies -- and it's already been detected in ...