Three groups with Trump ties are holding conservative conferences in metro Detroit this month, drawing some criticism.
CCA leader Bishop Rocky Moyo said this is part of the church’s youth empowerment initiative ... “From here we will form a ...
Are you familiar with Amish ordinations? An ordination is a service where a new minister, deacon, or bishop is ordained.
In the Philippines, we owe it to the US for bringing Father’s Day to our shores. The celebration of Father’s Day, like Mother ...
A UCLA professor says James Lawson's devotion to Gandhi's teachings on nonviolence and love shaped his life of activism.
Biden was denied communion at a South Carolina church because of his support for abortion rights. But during that meeting, ...
I n passing a resolution unanimously opposing the proposed abortion amendment to the Florida Constitution, our county commissioners referred to their "moral compass." I, too, have a moral compass, but ...
Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Masood Khan, has told Pakistani-American Christians that a strategy was being ...
WTOP has curated a list of area events organized in celebration of Juneteenth 2024 and related area road closures.
The leading presidential candidates are keen to stress the importance of Ghana’s churches for the country’s development.
Entrepreneur Cesar Ruiz plans to build a sports complex on the grounds of a Holyoke golf course, part of a wider push to turn ...
Their election as a Black, Muslim, nonbinary state lawmaker made history. But the real challenge came after they took office.