The chief justice of the Supreme Court is sending a warning about the risks elected officials run by reacting to decisions ...
One of the greatest': Former prime minister Brian Mulroney commemorated at state funeral Prominent Canadians, political ...
In 2007, former prime minister Brian Mulroney published a mammoth memoir. At 1,121 pages, you could barely fit it in an airplane carry-on bin. But there was an extraordinary omission in the volume.
0:33 ‘We’ll Meet Again’: Recording of Brian Mulroney singing played at funeral Quebec music legend Jean-Pierre Ferland is being honoured on Saturday with a national funeral in Montreal. The service ...
The Royal Canadian Navy is not looking at the option of nuclear submarines despite earlier suggestions by Prime Minister ...
The Conservatives have a point on new rule changes in the Senate, and how they could impact a future government ...
The lesson from the Reform and Wild Rose experiments is that only a beating at the polls will bring about a merger.
Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, 84, a longtime seasonal resident of Palm Beach, died of complications from a ...
For Defence Minister Bill Blair’s new defence policy to take life prior to the next election, he’ll need to declare “war” on ...
A new Leger poll found that the Conservatives are tied for first place in Quebec with the Bloc Québécois, with both parties ...
Anxiety in Quebec about the health of the French language is real, however. So, too, is the perception that Quebec is alone ...
Trudeau’s union with wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau had “long been under strain” and the couple had even seen a marriage ...