In a recent ranking of NFL general managers, Detroit Lions GM Brad Holmes got the respect he deserves after what has been a ...
Sione Vaki was a little freaked out and intimidated, as Detroit Lions general manager Brad Holmes gave a speech at the NFL ...
There’s always a next step. The Lions have taken so many next steps the past two seasons, you sometimes forget about the ...
At the time of the Matthew Stafford trade, I was under the absolutely moronic, 100% idiotic impression that Jared Goff was a ...
Detroit Lions GM Brad Holmes said dialogue on a new deal 'has been consistent' with Jared Goff's representatives throughout ...
Staff recognized for 10 years of service were Janna Mast, Courtney Miller, Janet Hetrick, Albert Trolio, Stephanie McGookey, ...
When Brad Holmes took over as the general manager of the Detroit Lions in 2021, he had plenty of work to do to turn the franchise around. However, he's been very successful in doing so.
The Detroit Lions signed two of their cornerstone offensive players to long-term contract extension earlier this offseason, and general manager Brad Holmes said he still is confident a third deal ...
Maybe that’s the only way to describe what has happened to the Detroit Lions under general manager Brad Holmes. Because he’s gone all King Midas on us — everything he touches has turned to gold.
Maybe that’s the only way to describe what has happened to the Detroit Lions under general manager Brad Holmes. Because he’s gone all King Midas on us — everything he touches has turned to gold.
Maybe that’s the only way to describe what has happened to the Detroit Lions under general manager Brad Holmes. Because he’s gone all King Midas on us — everything he touches has turned to gold.
Maybe that’s the only way to describe what has happened to the Detroit Lions under general manager Brad Holmes. Because he’s gone all King Midas on us — everything he touches has turned to gold.