The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will allow recruits from a handful of foreign countries, including the UK, to help grow ...
Citizens from New Zealand, the US, the UK and Canada will all be allowed to serve in the Australian Defence Force. Some of ...
About five per cent of people serving in the defence force experienced sexual misconduct last year, while six allegations of ...
Foreign citizens living permanently in Australia will soon be able to serve in Australia's armed forces, as part of an effort ...
Military data has revealed more than a third of female recruits reported sexual misconduct while attending the Australian ...
Cairns will become a key base of operation for the Australian Defence Force to support partner navies and smaller South ...
Kiwis who are permanent residents and have been living in Australia for at least a year before applying will be able to join ...
"The Australian\u2019s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the government\u2019s policy allowing international soldiers to join ...
Foreign citizens including New Zealanders and permanent residents from the UK, US, Canada and Pacific island nations will be ...
The announcement is another demonstration that Labor is implementing its April defence strategy, which called for the ...
Foreigners will be able to join the Australian Defence Force under a fast-track to citizenship. As part of the national defence strategy unveiled in April, eligibility criteria will be expanded to ...
The Australian Defence Force will accept non-Australian recruits for the first time from July 1, starting with New Zealanders ...