They may not win the state in the Electoral College, but Democrats may improve their chances in the statehouse.
Florida Family Action’s survey, obtained by Rolling Stone, is a glimpse of the future the religious right wants ...
Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act, which bans termination of pregnancies after the six week mark with limited exceptions, ...
Survey offers first-of-its-kind look at practical impact of Florida law banning most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.
About 29% of those surveyed said they support the state’s abortion ban. Nearly 1 in 4 said abortion should be illegal in all ...
Put yourself in the shoes of a young Central Florida woman staring down at a little blue plus sign on a pregnancy test. It’s ...
Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill on May 17 directing the Florida Department of Health to create a pregnancy resource ...
The abortion rights position has won in seven of seven states post-Roe v. Wade. But Arizona and Florida are especially big — ...
When Arizona and Florida attracted the national spotlight over their abortion battles, this question arose: Would the issue ...
(The survey asks: “If state attorneys and law enforcement agencies in certain areas of Florida refuse to enforce state abortion laws against abortion providers, do you believe there should be a ...
Legal experts say Florida's Heartbeat Protection Act isn't clear, especially the 15-week exception for people who are victims of rape.