Eleven of 31 swimmers on China’s Olympic roster were controversially cleared after testing positive for performance-enhancing ...
particularly from the United States. There was also anger at how the case emerged, via media reports rather than official ...
Former Olympian swimming greats Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt will testify in prime time next week on Capitol Hill on ...
China’s national anti-doping agency hit back Monday at a New York Times article that said three Chinese swimmers implicated in a doping scandal had been involved in earlier cases, accusing the paper ...
Twenty-three Chinese swimmers tested positive for the heart drug trimetazidine (TMZ) -- which can enhance performance -- ...
WADA's decision not to punish the swimmers has provoked intense criticism, particularly from the United States. Travis Tygart ...
Swimmers like to focus on things they control, but two things will be out of their control in Paris: A Chinese doping scandal ...
China will send 11 swimmers implicated in a major doping scandal to next month’s Paris Olympics, after the country named its ...
particularly from the United States. There was also anger at how the case emerged, via media reports rather than official ...
particularly from the United States. There was also anger at how the case emerged, via media reports rather than official ...