“It’s a transmitted disease from ticks to meat products, specifically red meat products," Dean Atkinson, M.D., with the ...
If dogs and cats in the US were a country, they would rank fifth in the world for meat consumption. But all of this meat may ...
Tick season is well underway and there is a new species of ticks causing new diseases, which is why you need to take steps to ...
Public Health Ontario is already reporting 60 cases of Lyme disease this year while tick removal kits are “flying off the ...
Consumer Reports has more on the Lone Star tick and ... germs that cause more widely known diseases, like Lyme, a bite from ...
Kristen Healy, an entomologist at LSU, is asking people to help build a database of what ticks are being found in the state.
Last year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) published a report detailing that from 2010 to 2022, there were over 100,000 suspected cases of alpha-gal syndrome, which is ...
While all ticks are concerning as they can spread diseases like Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, the lone star tick can cause you multiple ... more than just meat allergies.
An aggressive species of ticks is causing a disease that can make you allergic to meat. What you need to know about the lone star tick ... can cause a whole range of issues. “With these ticks, you ...
FORT COLLINS, Colorado — Tick season is starting across the U.S., and experts are warning the bloodsuckers may be as plentiful ... infected with germs that can cause illness, and they spread ...