Born in Calcutta, India , he attended boarding school in England before reading PPE at Oxford. Dr Mosley tried his hand ...
The Phlegraean Fields (in Italian, Campi Flegrei) cover a supervolcano located near Naples, Italy. This supervolcano has been ...
Earthquake this week finally jolts authorities into action after decades of runaway construction puts half a million people ...
BRITS heading to Italy have been issued with new travel advice after the country was hit by its “strongest earthquake in 40 years” right next to a volcano The Foreign Office has updated its advice ...
Earthquakes in a holiday hotspot have led to fears of a volcano eruption and new advice being issued for Brits. The area near ...
Image shows apartment buildings near the "solfatara" at the Campi Flegrei (Phlegraean Fields) a volcanic region close to Naples. (File Photo) Photograph:(AFP) According to the local media reports, ...
ROME — Authorities evacuated 39 families near the Italian city of Naples and schools were closed on Tuesday after a wave of tremors of a strength not seen for decades sparked panic but no injuries.
Campi Flegrei near Naples in southern Italy is the UK’s nearest supervolcano, eagerly monitored by scientists as it shows signs it could be gearing up to blow. Last night’s tremor, which ...
ChatGPT unveiled five fictional voice assistants last year — Breeze, Cove, Ember, Juniper and Sky. Now, the company behind the AI tool is pausing one of the synthetic ...
There has not been a true super eruption globally for 26,000 years, since New Zealand’s Taupō erupted. If one of Earth’s ...