Feel that buzz? It's your fitness tracker reminding you to move so you can hit your goal of 10,000 steps a day.
Most women experience period mood swings but are unaware of how to control them. Here are 11 tips to manage your mood swings ...
We are all well aware of the importance of exercise. Regular physical activity is vital for not only maintaining a healthy weight but for lowering our risk of dangerous conditions such as coronary ...
Lack of physical activity is a known risk factor for bowel cancer, as regular exercise helps maintain a healthy digestive ...
Knowing what type of exercise to focus on when we need it is key ... “Our brains easily go to the physical, but it’s the ...
regular exercise can reduce anxiety and stress, leading to calmer and more balanced behaviour and for the owner spending time ...
Dr Khan says men should try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day as well as two portions of oily fish per ...
“Everyone’s knees crack and pop, and [this] can be normal and doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with the knee,” Daniel ...
A former school site in Leeds will be transformed into a community sports hub following approval from planners.
We’re speaking over zoom to discuss the state of modern man – specifically in relation to physical and mental wellness ...
His paper suggests that eight hours and 20 minutes of sleep per night is ideal for heart health – in line with long-standing ...
Physical exercise – running around, climbing, etc. not only burns off energy but also helps children develop their muscles ...