Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will begin deporting criminals after a knife attack by an Afghan immigrant ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vows that the country will start deporting criminals from Afghanistan and Syria again after a ...
Germany is considering deporting Afghan migrants who endanger public security back to Afghanistan, Interior Minister Nancy ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed Thursday that Germany will start deporting criminals from Afghanistan and Syria after a knife attack by an Afghan immigrant last week left one police officer dead ...
BERLIN: Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed Thursday that Germany will start deporting criminals from Afghanistan ... left one police officer dead and four more people injured. The brutal attack in ...
Germany wants to start deporting migrants who commit crimes on its territory to their home countries, including Afghanistan, ...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed to deport migrants who commit crimes to countries previously considered unsafe. He also ...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz has vowed that Germany will start deporting criminals from Afghanistan ... last week left a police officer dead and four more people injured. Friday's savage attack on ...
The Alternative for Germany party remains strong, but a growing pushback at home and abroad may be blunting its surge.
As Germany’s far-right hopes to break through in European parliament elections, its former leader argues it has missed its chance ...