Having spent many years trying to master the art of creating a garden that’s full of heady, sweet scents, particularly during ...
Baking soda adds salt into the soil, raising alkalinity to a level too high for most plants. High pH can block the roots from ...
Thank you for all of the questions (and photos!) you’ve been sending. Please appreciate that our column space limitations are ...
Gophers may have eaten or damaged the roots. If the plant falls over or seems to be wobbly, a buck-toothed varmint may be the ...
It’s a busy time in the garden, Scott Evans said, with lots of things to watch for to keep your plants healthy.
making a point to include plenty of native plants (essentially plants that were here before European settlement) is an ...
When starting your garden, choose plants that put on their best show at night. The following night-blooming plants will help ...
The Chelsea Chop is a pruning method by which you limit the size and control the flowering season of many herbaceous plants.
There is a common misconception that all flowering plants benefit from deadheading, says David Denyer, gardening and floral ...
Owners Riley and Whitney Floyd opened their Bloomfield Garden Center this spring in a long-shuttered greenhouse property on ...
With some basic equipment, the magic of nature and a little patience, you can fill your garden – for free. Propagation is the ...