Emmanuel Macron said his position as French president won’t be affected by the result of the legislative elections after a ...
French President Emmanuel Macron ruled out resigning, no matter what the result will be of the snap elections he called, to ...
In Normandy, 25 heads of state and government celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. That the Russian president was not ...
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has described the decision to hold a snap parliamentary election just weeks before the Paris Olympic Games as extremely tro ...
During the 80th anniversary of D-Day in France, President Joe Biden, 81, appeared urgently in need of a seat, sparking widespread speculation and moc ...
Political leaders rush to form alliances before vote in France with far right saying they are ‘ready to govern’.   ...
Britain voted to leave the European Union in a populist revolt that foreshadowed Donald Trump’s shock outsider election win a ...
French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal vowed on Tuesday to do everything to avoid "the worst" outcome in snap legislative elections unexpectedly called by President Emmanuel Macron to combat the rise of ...
The UN Security Council approves the US-backed ceasefire plan for Gaza but will Israel get onboard. President Zelensky ...