Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he didn't agree with rally chants of "Lock her up" — a staple of his successful ...
Trump often prompted the slogan in referring to the email scandal involving ... investigate the FBI's conduct of the probe into then-Secretary of State Clinton's handling of emails.
Former President Donald Trump received a record-breaking amount of campaign contributions from small donors in the days ...
While the probe cleared the FBI of conducting a politically ... had seized on their exchanges as evidence that both the FBI's investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email server and Russian ...
The clip captures Trump's speech in Reno, delivered mere days before the historic 2016 election showdown between him and ...
Donald Trump, facing the threat of a prison sentence after jurors convicted him on 34 felony charges, is now denying that he ...
The evidence found by Republican lawmakers indicates that Malley, who was quietly placed on unpaid leave last June and had ...
Two former FBI officials have reached a tentative settlement with the Justice Department to resolve claims that their privacy ...
June 8, 2017 – Comey testifies on Capitol Hill that Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton email probe as a “matter” rather than an investigation. He says that the directive made him ...
June 8, 2017 – Comey testifies on Capitol Hill that Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton email probe as a “matter” rather than an investigation. He says that the directive made him ...
June 8, 2017 – Comey testifies on Capitol Hill that Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton email probe as a “matter” rather than an investigation. He says that the directive made him ...
June 8, 2017 – Comey testifies on Capitol Hill that Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton email probe as a “matter” rather than an investigation. He says that the directive made him ...