Some of the world’s most profitable—and most polluting corporations—have invested in carbon offset projects that have fundamental failings and are “probably junk,” suggesting industry ...
PARIS – By 2050, humanity must durably remove four times as much carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air as today to cap global warming below the crucial target of 2 deg C, researchers said on June 4.
In addition, farmers can now also dramatically increase their ability to sequester carbon per acre while maintaining the scientific rigor that warrants a significant premium. We're thrilled to ...
BEIJING, June 5 (Reuters) - China announced plans on Wednesday to better measure the carbon content of its products - a key step in reaching its own climate goals and meeting tougher carbon ...
Between 5 and 21% emission reductions: this is the empirically measured effect of carbon pricing systems in their first few years of operation. A research team now identifies these findings for 17 ...
(Microsoft Photo) In 2020, Microsoft made an ambitious commitment to make its operations carbon negative within a decade, removing more carbon from the environment than it emits each year.
meaning it grows more plants per acre than many oil crops. Secondly, algae under controlled conditions produces a lot of oil, quickly. This all means lower carbon emissions, less land, and less ...
Nevertheless, he has proclaimed that California will by 2045, just 21 years hence, become carbon emission-neutral. In 2022, the state Air Resources Board issued a “scoping plan” with multiple ...