Counterspies are the messiest but most potentially history-altering conduits of information, writes Tim Naftali, citing D-Day ...
Counterspies are the messiest but most potentially history-altering conduits of information, writes Tim Naftali, citing D-Day ...
These were unusual spies. First of all ... be plausible to the ultimate intelligence consumer in Berlin. I also met the man who came up with the D-Day deception, Roger Fleetwood Hesketh, who ...
The CIA chief met in Paris with Israeli and Qatari officials, trying to revive negotiations for a cease-fire and a hostage release. Gaza’s humanitarian crisis has spiraled as the U.N. and other ...
The former CIA chief also warned that the world “must listen” to Putin, as he “tells us what he believes.” “The war in Ukraine could spread to the region if Putin succeeds in Ukraine. He will not be ...
CIA Director William Burns said. Burns, in a television interview that aired Sunday, stressed that the United States must take “very seriously” Xi’s desire to ultimately control Taiwan even ...
Former CIA chief of staff Larry Pfeiffer declined to comment, and former National Counterterrorism Center National Director Russ Travers said, "These issues were addressed… several years ago." ...
The world "should listen" to Putin as he "tells us what he believes", the former CIA boss warned. Petraeus said: "The Ukraine war could expand in the region if Putin succeeds in Ukraine.
National security officers promptly met with He and inquired about the details ... regarding his claims of being contacted by foreign spies and duping them out of money, according to the post.