Newly-deciphered text from ancient scrolls may have finally revealed the location of where Greek philosopher Plato was buried, along with how he really felt about music played at his deathbed ...
Over 1,000 words, or about 30% of the text, has been deciphered, university officials said. Photo from the University of Pisa For centuries, a set of ancient papyrus scrolls discovered at ...
A groundbreaking discovery of a papyrus scroll buried in AD79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius may reveal more about the final hours of famous Greek philosopher Plato as well as his burial place. The scroll ...
Sometime in the eighth century, a monk at St. Catherine’s Monastery in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula was preparing to transcribe a book of the Bible in Arabic and needed fresh parchment. New ...
Researchers and Silicon Valley are using tools powered by AI to read what had long been thought unreadable More than 2,000 years after Plato died, the towering figure of classical antiquity and ...
A spectral bat in a cage targets a laboratory mouse in leaf litter on a table. Scientists studying these carnivorous bats in Mexico haven’t yet seen them take prey in the wild, so they film them ...
It was about a decade ago that Hampshire healthcare professional Caroline Knight heard about an unusual new project. Tim Daw, a Wiltshire farmer, was transforming his land into a Neolithic ...