In many places in the world, citizens do not enjoy freedom of the press. Governments control output, billionaires own pluralities of newspapers, and journalists are attacked and murdered for ...
img src="" width="1200" height="675" /> World Press Freedom Day 2024: UNESCO and ...
Today is World Press Freedom Day, when we highlight the crucial role of an independent media and address some of the gravest threats to press freedom, including censorship, misinformation, ...
The event, held Thursday on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, was a reminder that since Gershkovich was unjustly imprisoned in Russia 400 days ago, press freedom around the world has been ...
World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the ...
On May 3, the world comes together to commemorate World Press Freedom Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom, evaluating its state globally, and advocating ...
Unregulated online content has spread disinformation and propaganda that have amplified political divisions worldwide, fanned international tensions and even contributed to Russia’s invasion of ...
It is only fitting, against the backdrop of World Press Freedom Day, to recount the horror being inflicted on journalists and reporters around the world, which is increasing day by day. To tell the ...
Reflecting on the conversations and debates held in Indonesia for World Press Freedom Day, James Deane shares his three reasons to be worried and three grounds for optimism.
A group of Australian lawmakers wrote to President Biden on World Press Freedom Day urging him to drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as press freedom groups call for the ...
Recognizing the interconnectedness between the urgent need to address environmental crisis, the significant contribution of ...
Pakistan World Press Freedom Day * President stresses measures to ensure safety, security of journalists * PM calls for safety of Journalists, freedom in reporting * Gilani emphasizes to protect ...