More voters in five key swing states say that they ... polls released on Sunday. Trump, the unrivaled front-runner in the GOP primary to take on Biden, leads Biden 52% to 41% in Nevada, 49% ...
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump leads Biden in 5 key swing states as voters worry about economy, Israel-Hamas war: Poll ...
Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in multiple swing states, which could prove ... or minus 1 percentage point across the seven states; 3 percentage points in Arizona, Georgia and ...
Former President Donald Trump holds narrow leads over President Biden in five of the seven swing states likely to decide ... out around the time of the Nov. 5 election. Independent presidential ...
Former President Trump leads President Biden in hypothetical head-to-head general election match-ups in five of six key battleground states ... improves by 5 points among likely voters, giving ...
The Democratic president is leading his Republican challenger in three key states ahead of the presidential election.
Former President Donald Trump is ahead of President Biden in six swing states and is tied with the incumbent in a seventh, a new 2024 election poll shows. Head-to-head, Trump leads Biden in ...
The poll, released by CBS News and YouGov, shows 49% of voters across the country would likely support Biden at this point in ...
Former President Trump is leading President Biden across multiple swing states by 4 points ... Biden by 3 percentage points in Pennsylvania, 5 points in Michigan, 7 points in Arizona, 10 points ...
Former President Trump narrowly leads President Biden in ... Trump’s overall advantage in the seven states stands at 47% to 44%, a margin that grows to 5 percentage points in a five-way contest ...
These numbers suggest that the race is hardly a “toss-up”. True, the five months remaining before the vote give Mr Biden time ...
Trump is leading Biden in five of the six key swing states, except Michigan, where Biden leads him by one point. The economy remains one of the top issues for voters in these pivotal states ...