WASHINGTON – President Biden on Friday revealed details of a fresh $225 million military aid package for Kyiv after a meeting ...
President Joe Biden told Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky the United States will stand with Ukraine against Russian ...
Leaders in Washington should have answered all these questions, and more, before sending billions to Ukraine. The truth is, ...
President Joe Biden has for the first time publicly apologized to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a monthslong congressional holdup in American military assistance that let Russia make ...
The Biden administration has, as expected, announced an additional $275 million in military aid for Ukraine as Kyiv struggles ...
We don’t see this war on our newsfeeds, it’s not on TV, which is something that is a big deal. And I think that’s a mistake,” ...
Ukraine and Moldova have met the conditions to start talks on joining the European Union, the European Commission told EU ...
There is a growing fear in Western capitals that Ukraine could lose the war without urgent and decisive action.
Now in the third year of full-scale war, Ukraine’s top military leaders openly admit that the battlefield situation on the ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to address a joint meeting of Congress on July 24, setting the stage ...
Exclusive polling for the ABC's Q+A by YouGov reveals what Australians really think about global challenges, from Gaza to ...
(Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives Agriculture Committee passed its version of a $1.5 trillion farm ...