The amount of dust and debris World Trade Center first responders were exposed to play a role in risk for dementia before age ...
Share on Pinterest A new model could spot signs of dementia years before diagnosis, according to new research. Bisual ...
A new study found a significant increase in early-onset dementia among 9/11 first responders compared to the general ...
A pioneering new study that could pave the way for a safe and long-lasting treatment for two devastating childhood diseases ...
New research finds that 9/11 responders exposed to high levels of dust are more likely to suffer early dementia than those ...
Another recent study found the amount of chemicals in plastics could be contributing to obesity. Data also exists that ...
University of Oxford researchers found that the drug enhanced the function of brain blood vessels in patients at increased ...
For older adults with cognitive concerns, the 5-Cog paradigm, a culturally adept, cognitive detection tool, paired with a ...
Research tracking the health of more than 5,000 Ground Zero workers finds their odds for early-onset dementia rises alongside ...
Praising a new study by University of Oxford researchers, who found that the Viagra drug, also called Sildenafil, has the ...
There is no link between antidepressant use and subsequent dementia, results of a large study of US veterans showed.