The demand for AI and sales of high-bandwidth memory caused a 42.1% increase in Korean semiconductor export prices in May.
Top conglomerates in South Korea are set to hold their strategic meetings this month to navigate the ongoing economic ...
South Korea's fabless AI chip industry saw a slew of fundraising events over the last couple of years as demand for hardware ...
SEOUL - The price of South Korea’s semiconductor exports rose at a record pace in May, underscoring the strength of an AI ...
As Japan’s semiconductor revival is firing on all cylinders, South Korea must move past its dependence on China to find its ...
Sapeon Korea was spun-off from SK Telecom in 2016 and Rebellions is a fabless AI semiconductor startup founded in 2020 ...
The announcement comes after visit by Dutch royal couple that included an agreement between New York state and the ...
China will add more new semiconductor-production capacity than the rest of the world combined, all for mature-technology ...
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol discussed increasing cooperation in various sectors during meetings with his Kazakh and ...
South Korea's exports to the US surpassed those to China in the first five months of 2024, according to South Korea's ...
Unlike the Asian firms like TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung in South Korea, Europe has never been able to lead the ...
Seeking to maintain Taiwan’s status as the chip-making capital of the world, the government and several corporations here ...