Biden says Hamas is now too weakened to repeat past attacks on Israel, signaling Washington's stance of ending the war.
Israeli tanks and artillery fire have continued pounding the shattered Gaza Strip and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ...
US President Joe Biden has said that Israel has offered a new roadmap towards a permanent peace in Gaza, urging Hamas to ...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called on Israel to think again about its military operation in Rafah in southern ...
Hamas said it was ready to engage “positively and in a constructive manner” with any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, ...
US secretary of state can't say if US weapons used in latest Israeli attack on refugee tents in Rafah - Anadolu Ajansı ...
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday urged Egypt to do everything it can to make sure humanitarian aid is ...
President sets out Israel's proposal, urges gov't to stand behind it; says Gaza ops can resume if terror group breaks deal; ...