Gov. Greg Abbott's "Operation Lonestar" involves concertina wire along the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, aiming to deter migrant entry.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott defied President Joe Biden's new ... border as the country continues to experience a high number of migrant border crossings. There were more than 2.4 million encounters ...
In 2023, a jury found Daniel Perry guilty of murder; however, Republican Governor Abbott, citing self-defense, pardoned the ...
Greg Abbott’s efforts to deter immigration NEW ORLEANS -- The future of a barrier of giant buoys that Texas Gov. Greg Abbot placed in the Rio Grande last year to deter migrant traffic may turn ...
Illegal border crossings are down by six percent at a time when they're normally on the rise, according to CBP.
The thousands of people living in shelters set up by the city, which has received nearly 200,000 immigrants since 2022, ...
Greg Abbott’s strategy to deter immigration isn’t just harming people and costing billions – it’s ruining the Rio Grande’s ecosystem Strong-arm strategies by Texas along the US-Mexico ...
A couple from Ecuador were married with the help of a nonprofit that aids migrants. They were joined by their 7-year-old son.
Greg Abbott and fellow governors hold a news conference along the ... a growing list of GOP-led states have passed measures ...
CHICAGO — On the week of her due date, Elibexis Alvarez, a Venezuelan migrant, was preparing to ... when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began busing thousands of migrants to Democratic-led cities.
The city has closed a South Side migrant shelter that had faced resistance from some neighborhood residents when it opened ...
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