I'm announcing actions to bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum," Biden said on Tuesday ...
Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday launched a “Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants” list, calling it a ...
New emails are revealing the extent to the strain placed on schools by the ongoing migrant crisis at the southern border ...
Asylum seekers from around the world are trying to enter the United States through California, and immigrant traffic there ...
Gov. Greg Abbott's "Operation Lonestar" involves concertina wire along the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, aiming to deter migrant entry.
Eagle Pass residents say this park is a center of life for them, which is why the closure is such a big deal. "Shelby Park ...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott defied President Joe Biden's new ... border as the country continues to experience a high number of migrant border crossings. There were more than 2.4 million encounters ...
Greg Abbott’s efforts to deter immigration NEW ORLEANS -- The future of a barrier of giant buoys that Texas Gov. Greg Abbot placed in the Rio Grande last year to deter migrant traffic may turn ...
A couple from Ecuador were married with the help of a nonprofit that aids migrants. They were joined by their 7-year-old son.
The thousands of people living in shelters set up by the city, which has received nearly 200,000 immigrants since 2022, ...
Illegal migrant smuggling co-ordinated by cartels ... dropped from 2,000 to 3,000 a day to around five. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott meets with members of the National Guard at the border Jay Janner ...
Greg Abbott and fellow governors hold a news conference along the ... a growing list of GOP-led states have passed measures ...