For generations, California has been an economic powerhouse, drawing millions seeking their fortunes amid the state's ...
With California’s current fiscal year soon coming to an end, Governor Gavin Newsom should sign Assembly Bill 107, the state’s ...
California's budget is being hashed out behind closed doors, as Gov. Newsom and top Democrats grapple with a ...
Within the next week and change, Democrats who control the Legislature and fellow Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom will need to ...
Santa Clara County leaders have managed to approve a $12.5 billion budget that closes a massive deficit. But their problems ...
High-stakes deals by Gov. Newsom and the California Legislature will determine the budget and November ballot.
Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers are $826 million apart on how much to allocate to the Middle Class Scholarship program, which ...
The California governor’s distaste for the so-called MCO tax measure is creating tension among his political allies.
The Legislature passes a placeholder state budget, but must still negotiate with Gov. Gavin Newsom on the final deal. How the ...